Corvette Amarante

The Amarante is a 12-gun corvette designed by Joseph-Louis Ollivier in 1747. Her length is 27,44 meter, width and of 7,15 meter and the tip of 3,27 meter, the tonnage to full load and of around 232 tons. Built based on the monograph of Gérard Delacroix.
Galley Reale de France

La Réale (“the royal”) was a galley of the French galley corps, and the flagship of the French galley fleet under Louis XIV. She was designed by Jean-Baptiste Chabert, and built in Marseille between 1692 and 1694.
Sculpture Naval sculptures

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Blueprints Le Primpteps

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Bomb ketch La Salamandre

Bomb ketches were difficult to sail, as there were two large mortars on the foredeck in place of the fore-mast. To withstand the recoil of the cannons with their heavy projectiles, the bomb ketches had to have a massive and firm hull. Bomb ketches were used by the French in the 17th and 18th century […]
Frigate Hollandische Zweidecker

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Warship Soleil Royal

The Soleil-Royal is a French warship in service from 1750 to 1759. It is a second-rank ship of the line with two decks carrying 80 guns, the third of the name in the French Royal Navy. It is started during the wave of construction which separates the end of the War of the Austrian Succession […]
School ship Nave Scuola Palinuro

A self-made model with surveys of a real ship. It has a single-deck nailed steel hull. Its length is 59 m (69 m overall), width 10 m, and a drought of 4.8 m. The mast consists of three steel masts plus bowsprit, foremast of 35 m, master of 34.5 m and a mizzen of 30 […]
Corvette L’Amarante

The Amarante is one of a series of three corvettes designed by Joseph-Louis Olliver. Corvettes are fast, manageable vessels and carry the sail well. These qualities are ideal for transmitting orders and packages to squadrons, chasing privateers, or escorting convoys. In the fight, they repeat orders and keep their distance to help the dismantled vessels, […]